
Comprehensive Musicianship Program (CMP)
Harmony’s flagship programme for children between 5 years to 17 years is a robust offering of holistic music education experiences with a deeper understanding of singing. Through bespoke, engaging and musically enriching group sessions - aimed at bringing out the full musical potential in each child - students develop a love for singing and music as a whole, while learning to creatively express themselves through their art.
These sessions are designed to help:
Develop healthy singing techniques
Build vocal versatility
Gain a keen sense of aural awareness
Learn to sight-sing (singing with sheet music)
Receive Music Theory training
Get introduced to Music Appreciation and World Music
Prepare for international music exams
Participate in concerts and recitals
When students are ready*, they may appear for Classical Singing and Music Theory exams offered by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music London (ABRSM), Musical Theatre examinations offered by the London College of Music (LCM), and Contemporary Voice Exams offered by the Rock School London (RSL). Every year since 2014, several students from Harmony have consistently topped Bangalore, India and even Asia in these international exams!
Frequency of classes (In-person) - Once a week group class for 60 minutes
Frequency of classes (online) - Once a week group class for 55 minutes (online) + smaller group vocal training sessions every month depending on vocal ability
Children who are a part of CMP are also invited, through auditions only, to be a part of The Harmony Junior Chorus and the award-winning concert choir “The Harmony Chorus.”
*Examinations are not compulsory but help as a way to ascertain goals and offer international certification.
Eligibility - 5 years and upwards (grouped vertically)
Private Singing Lessons
One-on-one sessions offered for students 18 years and above or for younger students (in special cases). These sessions are for 45 minutes and designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the physiology of the voice, vocal styles, vocal health.
Students may appear for Classical Singing Exams offered by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music London (ABRSM), Musical Theatre Exams offered by the London College of Music (LCM) Musical Theatre exams. Every year since 2014, students from Harmony have consistently topped Bangalore, India and even Asia in these exams!
Admission for private lessons will be made at the discretion of the school.
Class Details :
Online and offline
Once a week for one hour (frequency of classes can be changed on occasion)